Life and business coaching.
Sometimes there are so many waves that you can hardly see the water. I help you find clarity, so that you can sail through life with strength and ease.
Coming soon
The course for a strong and relaxed life.
Based on new science and age-old wisdom.

My Books
Power Questions
Inspiration for Solutions
We all know the situation: We are stuck with a problem and don't see a way out. Suddenly someone asks a really good question that provides a new perspective and suggests a solution.
"Power Questions" is filled with inspiring, provocative, cheeky and unusual questions that help discover ways out of situations and places that seemed to be enclosed by walls. You can use them on yourself or as inspiration for conversations with others – your partner, friends or in the context of counseling.
Ideal for all who don't want to remain where they are.
Available as ebook for Kindle.

Questions for Reflection
Inspiration for thinking things through fully
When we reflect clearly, we strengthen our lives, learn, and avoid making mistakes. This Microbook presents proven methods of reflection. It helps us to reflect on inner processes and periods of time as well as thinking through projects.
All methods of reflection are clearly and simply explained so that they can be implemented immediately.
Available as ebook for Kindle.
Inspiration for a rich life
Do you want to be happy?
Content, alive, passionate – simply happy?
You don't have to leave your happiness to chance. It grows when you shape your life in a good way. This Microbook offers inspiration for attitudes and actions that will make you happier. It can be used as inspiration for your personal path to happiness or for conversations with friends, your partner or groups.
For everyone who wants to be happy.
Available as ebook for Kindle.

Coaching Basics
Guiding People and Helping Them Advance
This Quadro introduces you to the basics of coaching. It explains the attitudes that make coaching successful and describes the most important techniques of asking questions and coaching methods.
It is suitable for people, who want to start with coaching as well as for experienced coaches, who want to revive their knowledge.
Available as ebook for Kindle.
The Power of Blessing: Receiving and giving power for life (Quadro Book 40)
"I will bless you... and you will be a blessing to others." - God to Abraham
People proclaim blessing over others all the time - through words and gestures. People long for blessing, because blessing has power to strengthen and change life. This quadro shows what blessing is and what it does through the Bible and concrete examples. In addition, it explains and shows how you can receive blessing and pass it along to others.
Available as ebook for Kindle.

Learning to forgive
The Art of a Life of Inner Freedom
Forgiveness is an effective tool to deal with suffered injustice. This "Quadro" shows why forgiveness is worth the effort, which attitudes may help to forgive and what practical steps can be taken to make forgiveness happen.
Ideal for everyone who wants to let go of suffered offenses and achieve inner freedom.
Available as ebook for Kindle and as pamphlet.

Saying Yes to Myself
Accepting and Treating Myself Well
You are unique and wonderful. But perhaps it is sometimes difficult for you to say "yes" to yourself, because you also see your limits and weaknesses. In this book, you will discover what makes up healthy self-esteem and how you can move step-by-step to more self-acceptance and find enjoyment in yourself.
Available as ebook for Kindle.

How to Get the most out of Life
An Innovative Toolkit for Doing Life Well
'My life is actually going well but somehow my joy in life is gone' If this is something that you sometimes think or say, then this is the book for you. It explains which attitudes and actions lead to joy. It provides inspiration for rediscovering happiness again.
Available as ebook for Kindle.
The Father's Love
Experience the Love of God
Do you long to feel the love of God? Not only to theoretically know God loves you but to really believe it? This Quadro will help you to experience God's love in a deeper way, and to live with God as your friend.
Ideal for everyone who would like to experience the Father's love.
Available as ebook for Kindle and as pamphlet:

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